A Call for Religious View Points

by eohcnrk on Sunday, November 02, 2008


Joey wanted us to form a religious discussion (not necessarily a debate) allowing us to share our view points. I guess Kevin went ahead and posted an article concerning the FSM, although Kevin is an atheist, so I wasn't sure how serious he was about FSM...

Before I bring this challenge to you, I would like you to watch this random youtube clip:

I thought this clip really demonstrates how small we could be, and it raises the question of the existence of a god, or whatever else may be out there.

Obviously religion is an important issue amongst us. As far has history has been able to recount for the existence of human beings, religion has also co-existed. This discussion is really here to reach far into all corners of philosophical thought pertaining to religion. For example, how do we validate our religion in our own perspective? To what degree of devoutness do we ascertain? What do we believe happens to others who do not follow our religion? How do we justify our religion as being correct? How valid is the historical background of our religion? Certainly do not limit your post to these questions as I encourage those to touch all base necessary. If time permits in your schedule, I, amongst others (I'm sure) will be willing to read the articles to its entirety, so be certain to be thoroughly extensive with your thoughts.

I presume there will be no swearing, hate messages, bigotry, and etc. Again, I encourage those in discussion to avoid attacks on other religious thoughts in hopes of avoiding heated and circular debates.

So I open this discussion to 6 people in particular, though I encourage as many people as possible to participate:

Kevin Tao to discuss Atheism
Roland Liang to discuss Christianity
Wei Luo to discuss Buddhism and Chinese Traditional Thought
Sujeeth Baradawaji to discuss Hinduism
Jeremy Siegel to discuss Judaism
Ibrahim Mekki to discuss Islam

So...get to it


Comment by Kevin, NeuEve Team on November 3, 2008 at 12:51 PM

Mike Choe, of course I'm serious! I'm not atheist anymore, I've converted! Ever since I've felt the touch of His Noodly Appendage in my life, my life has changed. Although you may be skeptical, I know in my heart that I am right.

Comment by snakesaywhat on November 3, 2008 at 12:56 PM

Please do not question the existence and the seriousness of the FSM, but I guess his Noodly Appendages are at work... I don't think FSM is silly and we have two loyal members at the blog. I don't call Jesus and God silly! I demand an apologies from krnchoe for calling the FSM silly.

Comment by eohcnrk on November 3, 2008 at 3:31 PM

lol, i never said it was silly, i just said i wasn't sure kevin was serious about it. anyways, i guess we'll have to find somebody else then.

Comment by a.kim on November 3, 2008 at 3:56 PM

It depends if you guys are serious or sarcastic about it. Because if you're sarcastic, you could be satirizing other religions.

Comment by eohcnrk on November 3, 2008 at 4:07 PM

that's what i think they're shooting for