Science News: Pain Hurts More If Person Hurting You Means It

by Kevin, NeuEve Team on Sunday, December 21, 2008

Researchers at Harvard University have discovered that our experience of pain depends on whether we think someone caused the pain intentionally. In their study, participants who believed they were getting an electrical shock from another person on purpose, rather than accidentally, rated the very same shock as more painful. Participants seemed to get used to shocks that were delivered unintentionally, but those given on purpose had a fresh sting every time.

Read the full article: Pain Hurts More If Person Hurting You Means It

My comment on this article:

It just goes to show you, pain is all in your head!  Actually, almost everything in life is all in your head.  I truly believe that if you simply learn to control your emotions, you can achieve anything you want.  The thing is, most people psych themselves out, instead of using their self-awareness to their advantage.


Comment by epfanne on January 1, 2009 at 11:19 PM

but sometimes it's hard to control our mental states as much as we want to.

Comment by Kevin, NeuEve Team on January 3, 2009 at 5:14 PM

it's hard, but not impossible :)

Comment by zexi on January 7, 2009 at 11:22 AM

right on the money, ktao

I love it when there's a moral to a science article :)