Transformasphere- Prize involved

by sophlightning305 on Sunday, October 26, 2008

I am not sure how many people read the previous article. But if you haven't i encourage you to read the previous one before visiting this website. Norton's letter also exemplifies the message.

However, many people believe that humanitarian efforts are a world apart from our careers. They see it as building homes in louisiana, wells in Africa and everything in between. In all honesty, I haven't heard one person claim that their dreams were of being a construction site worker.

Misconceptions...I like this idea called Transformasphere that encourages each of us to make a difference through our careers, not apart from them. These are professional spheres like education, healthcare, commerce...spheres in which we will all become involved (engineers, ur part of commerce =P). Please read the website to get the necessary information.

So what I would like is for everybody here to brainstorm and we will come up with something that will change the world. Here is truly our chance to use our real talents to make a lasting difference in the world and have the funding to do so. Lastly, because my small group was offered a lunch should our idea win, I am offering it right back. Whoever's idea is believed to be best on this website will be treated by me to a restaurant of his/her choosing...I don't care where you live (although I'll have to choose the date haha). So if you hear a good idea, please give a thumbs-up for it as a vote, as well as suggestions. We are trying to come up with a master plan...not a bunch of little ones.


Comment by Kevin, NeuEve Team on October 27, 2008 at 2:50 PM

Pay it forward. Do a significant random act of kindness for 3 people. After you've helped them, and they ask you how you would like them to repay you, tell them that you don't want anything from them. Instead, you want them to do three significant random acts of kindness for three other people.

Comment by eohcnrk on October 27, 2008 at 3:26 PM

hmm this would only work if the people ask how they would repay you. sorry for a cynical viewpoint, but i think the rate limiting step is them thanking you. not that one does acts of kindness expecting some sort of return of gratitude, but often times a sincere thanks is hard to come by...jeeze i sound like the grinch or something...

Comment by sophlightning305 on October 28, 2008 at 10:12 AM

haha i actually agree with choe, there really is no incentive in this system that would cause people who wouldn't have done good deeds anyways to start. I believe that for a system to truly make a difference, it must be rational in a self-interested point of view. The goal is that (your gains) < (the person who you're helping's gains) but both are gaining. Most humanitarian efforts don't change the world simply because once the people who simply sacrifice for the benefit of those in need run out of resources, then the movement stops. Instead, if both parties benefit then the movement grows in amount of influence and amount of resources.