Fun Chemistry!

by eohcnrk on Friday, October 24, 2008

So when you're sitting in chem lectures, your mind will often wander off into space. Not that chemistry is particularly boring...

As my attention span dwindled for the duration of the lecture, my eyes spotted the periodic table of contents, and then I realized...hmmm wouldn't it be nice to spell words with the elements? Yah, I know...stupid idea...but I gave it a try and I thought it was kinda of funny. Take this for example:

Phosphorous Peroxide.

What does the molecular formula spell? I know general chemistry was ages ago, but I encourage you to find out ^^. In addition, if you're feeling a stupid as I am, I'll also encourage you to make your own compound :)


Comment by sophlightning305 on October 24, 2008 at 11:03 AM

haha, hilarious...but when you see my next post it'll make the people spelling words with elements look like genius'.