for those Crytography geeks out there

by Martias on Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A challenge! I was fooling around, and I came up with this relatively simple cipher. It may or may not be frustrating to decipher. There are two parts that when used together, form the answer.

Part 1:

K5P66 X5EDF &H5JY 85C7E N4079
E5P8E 6N0MN 064Q7 XMIC7 Y0^9&
51JQ7 MJ61E =518? &,514 4Q=HH
NQ0MN S0DV5 7XE7P 6A7Q8 ^7E7&
6^164 06^3U &0M88 165NV 9B7DP
D4^&0 YACXN 0M=E7 7NJD6 7P1M8

This ciphertext is to be read from right to left, and then down. The plaintext is a Bible verse.

Part 2:

Part 2 will not make any sense without Part 1 being solved. If you solve Part 1, it should be relatively easy to decode Part 2.

I don't know if anyone will take me up on my challenge. To make it more enticing: if you win you get a prize! (To be decided)

If you want clues, you can get them.


Comment by Anonymous on September 3, 2008 at 4:18 PM


Comment by eohcnrk on September 3, 2008 at 6:32 PM

there are spaces every five letters meaning either you just took out all the spaces from the original and then created the cipher text and then respaced the encrypted code with every 5 characters or you simply designated 5 characters of cipher text to represent 1 word. Which is it? or is that too much information ^^

Comment by gnawmit on September 3, 2008 at 6:59 PM

I'd gladly talk about the history of cryptography...

Comment by Martias on September 5, 2008 at 10:26 AM

well I did both.
except in the case where five symbols were insufficient to represent the word.